Membership: is open to all Ghanaians and Ghanaians in the Diaspora and of Ghanaian origin. Membership of the organization is entirely voluntary.

Criteria for Membership
I. That membership and membership rights are not transferable
II. Is willing to abide by the rules and regulation of the organization and by extension this constitution without any discrimination
III. Indicate the interest in New Generation Network
IV. Act in the interest and spirit of cooperation among members and development of the nation.

Removal of Members
Members (Advisory Board, The Executive Council, Country Representatives, Local Chapter Members and Volunteers) must be outstanding citizens of Ghana. Therefore, any member of the Network who compromises his/her position or engages in any form of misconduct contrary to the objectives of the organization may be removed from office by members of the Executive Council after investigation, provided that the notice of the planned removal is served to him/her at least one month prior to the date of removal.

The organization shall seek partnership with business entities or corporations that identify with her vision.

Criteria for partnership/affiliation
All organizations intending to partner with NGN must:
I. Agree with vision, mission, aims and objectives of NGN.
II. Be legally registered in the area of operation


Advisory Board: shall serve the organization for a period of one (1) year and can be reappointed by the Executive Council for another one (1) year term and will not qualify for reappointment.

Executive Council Members: Apart from the Founding Members positions that are permanent, all other members/officers shall serve the organization for a period of two (2) years and can be reappointed by the Executive Council for another one (1) year term
and will not qualify for reappointment.

Country Representatives: shall serve the organization for a period of one (1) year and can be reappointed by the Executive Council for another one (1) year term and will not qualify for reappointment.

Local Chapter Members: shall serve the organization for a period of one (1) year and can be reappointed by the Country Representatives subject to the approval by the Executive Council for another one (1) year term and will not qualify for reappointment.